No Easy Walk To Freedom
Peter, Paul & Mary
1: | BrCother Martin was wEalkin with me and Amevery step I heard lEiberty tho hFe's fallin' come a mCillion behA7ind glD7ory hallelujah gonna mGake it this time! |
R: | NCo easy walk to frEeedom nAmo easy walk to frC7eedom kFeep on walkin' and wCe shall be frA7ee thD7at's how we're gonna make hGistory. |
2: | Across the ocean the blood's running warm I hear it coming there's a thunderin' storm just like we lived it you know that it's true Nelson Mandela now we're walkin' with you! |
3: | In our land not so long ago we lived the struggle and that's how we know slavery abolished comin' freedom's call keep on walking and apartheid will fall! |
4: | Oh bread for the body there's got to be but a soul will die without liberty pray for the day when the struggle is past freedom for all free at last free at last! |
R: | + You and mCe! |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:10.727+00:00
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